
[继续讨论]爱情在你心中到底是什么 ?




What is love?

Love is the salt of life (生活的必需品).

Love is sweet torment (甜蜜的折磨).

•Love is a great teacher (伟大的导师) . •Love is a transitive verb (及物动词). •Love is a romantic poem (浪漫诗篇). •Love is a beautiful dream (美丽的梦境). •Love is a sugar-coated drug (糖衣药品). •Love is permanent expectation (永久的期待). •Love is giving without thought of taking. (不考虑索取的付出) •Love is the touchstone of virtues (美德的试金石). •Love is a mixture of happiness and sadness (悲与喜的融合). •Love is tacit agreement and noisy disagreement (默契加吵闹). •Love is an attempt to change dreamland into reality (把梦境化为现实的努力). •Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination (本性画布上的想象绣图). •Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion (幼稚的幻想和成熟的幻灭). •Love is life in its fullness like the cup with wine to its brim. (充实的人生,犹如斟满的酒杯) •Love is the depression of separation and delight of reunion (分别的沮丧和重逢的喜悦). •Love is the pursuit of delight in the process of agony (追求喜悦的痛苦历程). •Love is not two people gazing into each other’s eyes, but two people looking outward in the same direction (不是两个人凝目对视,而是两个人同向远眺). •Love is the conquest of reason by feeling (感情对理智的征服). •Love is a dark cave with sunlight at its end (尽头充满阳光的黑暗洞穴). •Love is extremely selfish and utterly selfless(极其自私而又绝对无私). •Love is a beautiful melody made from an elegant poem (为高雅的诗句所谱写的优美旋律). •Love is a God-given privilege and a self-laid obligation (上帝赐予的特权及自我约束的义务). •Love is the closing of the eyes and the opening of the heart (紧闭的双目和开启的心灵).


Work as if you don't need the money.  Love as if you've never been hurt.  Dance as if nobody's watching.  Sing as if nobody's listening.  Live as if it‘s Heaven on Earth.


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