
【经典推荐】节奏蓝调 Secret Love --JoJo

【经典推荐】节奏蓝调 Secret Love --JoJo

Secret Love-JoJo 沉默的爱 (选自原声大堞:Shark Tale鲨鱼故事) 《鲨鱼故事》是一部带有黑色喜剧味道的黑帮动画--梦工厂(Dream Works)继全美卖座动画片《怪物史莱克2》(Shrek 2),再接再厉推出的动画强片。大牌明星加盟配音以及强大的幕后制作阵容,并成为威尼斯影展的观摩片。此张电影原声大碟收录了由音乐圈里最卖座的艺术家分别演绎的13首R&B与Rap曲风的歌曲。 [Verse 1:] Just a friend That’s all I’ve ever been to you Oh just a girl Who wants to be the center of your world But I ain’t got much to offer But my heart and soul And I guess that’s not enough For you to notice me I’m just a girl And I guess that’s all I’ll ever be to you To you [Chorus:] I try to smile when I see other girls with you Acting like everything is ok But ohh You don’t know how it feels to be so in love With someone who doesn’t even know My secret love Verse 2:] In my dreams I see us both together constantly Why can’t you see This love that’s here for you inside of me Ohhh What do I have to do For you to notice this You look at her with love With me it’s just friendship I’m just your girl And I guess that’s all I’ll ever be to you To you [Chorus:] I try to smile when I see other girls with you Acting like everything is ok But ohh you don’t know how it feels to be so in love With someone who doesn’t even know My secret love Bridge:] What do you see in her You don’t see in me (don’t see in me) Boy you’re so hard to believe Why do you show her love But there’s none for me Boy you don’t make sense to me Cause I don’t have much to offer But my heart and soul And I guess that’s not enough For you to notice me I’m just your girl And I guess that’s all I’ll ever be to you To you [Chorus:] I try to smile when I see other girls with you Acting like everything is ok (everything ain’t ok) But ohh you don’t know how it feels to be so in love (so in love with you baby) With someone who doesn’t even know My secret love Boy you’re so hard to believe 下载:Secret Love

......with music ,with you ,with soul QQ:316599500

原罪(original sin):    1 Avarice 贪婪    2 Sloth 懒惰    3 Wrath 愤怒    4 Gluttony 暴吃    5 Lust 滥情    6 Envy 嫉妒    7 Pride 自满    上网越久越真实


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