
[推荐]Okna Tsahan Zam -《萨满的声音:大草原之旅》

[推荐]Okna Tsahan Zam -《萨满的声音:大草原之旅》

简介 专辑介绍 Okna Tsahan Zam(“白色的道路”的意思)出生在一条长路上,它是卡林梅克人在遭到斯大林放逐到西伯利亚后返回自己故土的长路,那是一条回乡之路。“白色的道路”通向欢乐和幸福。Okna Tsahan Zam属于一个古老的巴图特Baatud部落。 根据传说这个蒙古部落是独眼巨人Doa-Sokhor 的第二个儿子建立的。经历一系列的梦想之后,Okna Tsahan Zam放弃了他的工程师生涯,转而投入他深爱的呼麦——他的祖先的蒙古歌唱技巧——中去。这种歌艺可以让歌者同时唱出两个或更多声部。 作为世界上数一数二的呼麦独唱家,他在所有的呼麦的事件中都具有绝对的重要性。他不仅代表了一个古老的民族,而且还代表了一个原始宗教的远古之音。 这张专辑象眼喷涌而出的泉水。聆听且闭上双眼,马群,蒙古包,大草原,夜空上的星群将会不期而至,甚者将会涌现更多的事物。一个真实的萨满的心路历程。。。。。。 专辑在法国、蒙古、卡林梅克三地录音,其中田野录音在蒙古和卡林梅克。 部分歌曲的解说: EDJIN DUUN (« Song for mother») This is a song of praise for mothers. « All i see around me, the steppe, the sky, rivers, horses, remind me of my dear Mother. She taught me all about life, holding me againt her breast.. She took care of me. When I hear the sound of cranes in the steppe, I remember her ». 所有我看见的,大草原,天空,河流,马群,都让我想起了我亲爱的母亲。她教我关于生命的一切,把我拉入她的胸怀。。。。她照看着我,当我听到草原上起重机的声响,我记起了我的母亲。 AKHNER DUUNER(« Younger and older brothers») A beautiful praise song, for love and friendship. One interesting musical caracteristic of this catchy hymn is that Khoomei is included in the melodic line, it's not an ornament, it blends beautifuly with traditional singing. « Our beautiful horses beat the ground in the sunshine. They are ready to leave for a long journey. You all who are gathered here for this feast, have a nice life, full of love, prosperity and happiness! ». VOLKI (Wolves) Hunting for fun is bad for nature, it's only good for one's food. That's the ecological message of this song. Even though wolwes are not as emblematic as horses, they belong to the steppe universe and they are very present in the kalmyk and mongolian imagination and legends. « It was a long time ago, there was a beautiful woman called Muhkna Tzagan. She was very brave and she was hunting wolves. One day, after she had killed a mother, she saw the young cubs next to her house. They were crying and howling. Mughna Tzagan could not stand seeing them like this and she died of a broken heart ». SIBIRE The theme of this song is the deportation of the Kalmyk people to Siberia by Stalin during World War II. A lot of them died of starvation and cold. It was only in the 50's that they were allowed to come back to Kalmykia, along that « White Road » that gave Okna his name. SAMARINE « It's about a skillful shepherd who tended horses in the steppe. He could stop the runaway horses just byshooting an arrow that would ring in their ears. With his favorite horse he wanders through the steppe and communicates with nature and the cosmos ». DJANGAR (Djangar the All mighty) Djangar is the hero of the Kalmyk epic, this song is about his feats. « Long ago, at the beginning of time, Djangga ruled. He was the Khan above all the Khans. With his ten fingers he held a banner yellow as the sun. He watched over the world and protected it like his own child, giving loving, care to all who live there. AR BUMBIN ORN This song is the perfect exemple of the power and richness of Okna's voice. A mysterious and meditative piece. He just breathes and speaks but the magic is here. « It's an incantation, Bunbin Orn is the Holly Grail, the land of Djangar. It's a praise song for Father Sky and Mother Earth and to Djangar so that they watch over us and show us the way to happiness and wisdom ». KHOOMEI CHOIR (Khoomei choir) Okna Tsahan Zam overdubbed eight different khoomei parts to form this impressive and highly hypnotic choir. That's real shamanic feel. DAVUR GAZEN For a Kalmyk man there are two treasures in life : his horse and his wife. This dance song tells his admiration for the gallop of a horse which can be compared with the beauty of the love of a man for his wife. The rythm was perfect for a remixed version which is featured as a separate bonus track on the album. 专辑曲目: 1. INTRO 2. EDJIN DUUN   3. KHOOMEI 4. AKHNER DUNER 5. Muhkna Tzagan(VOLKI ) 6. SIBIRE 7. EDJIN DUUN (acoustic version ) 8. STRING DUET 9. SAMARINE 10. KHOOMEI (three voices) 11. Muhkna Tzagan(feat. Bavaush) 12. DJANGAR 13. AR BUMBIN ORN 14. KHOOMEI CHOIR 15. OUTRO 16. DAVOUR 17. DAVOUR (remix) feat. Snooze 下载地址:http://lib.verycd.com/2005/10/05/0000067920.html


听EDJIN DUUN的时候特别想哭





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