
I AM...

I AM...

很多人都这样问: what you are going to be, what you do,or what you are planning to do after University?我回答不出来.Because what we do or who we’re going to be doesn’t cut it. And let’s remember this the next time someone says,” Oh, really? Well…there’s nothing wrong with flipping burgers for a living. You should be proud.~”

I am an architect: I’ve built a solid foundation; and each year I go to that school I add another floor of wisdom and knowledge.

I am a sculptor: I’ve shaped my morals and philosophies according to the clay of right and wrong. I am a painter: With each new idea I express, I paint a new hue in the world’s multitude of colours. I am a scientist: Each day that passes by, I gather new data, make important observations, and experiment with new concepts and ideas. I am an astrologist: reading and analyzing the palms of life and each new person I encounter. I am a doctor: I heal those who turn to me for consultation and advice, and I bring out the vitality in those who seem lifeless. I am a lawyer: I ‘m not afraid to stand up for the inevitable and basic rights of myself and all others. I am a police officer: I always watch out for others’ welfare and I am always on the scene preventing flights and keeping the peace. I am a mathematician: making sure I conquer each one of my problems with correct solutions. I am a detective: peering through others and their situations only after I' ve heard and understood the entire story. I am a banker: Others share their trust and values with me and never lose interest. I am a hockey player: watching out for and dodging those who try to block my goal. I am a marathon runner: full of energy, always moving and ready for the next challenge. I am a mountain climber: Slowly but surely I am making my way to the top. I am a tight-rope walker: Carefully and stealthily I pace myself through every rough time, but I always make it safely to the end. I am a millionaire: rich in love, sincerity and compassion, and I own a wealth of knowledge my way, wisdom , experience and insight that priceless.

Most important, I am Me.


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-14 23:18:21编辑过]

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哎?不对吧,我好像前不久还说过您活动广泛访亲访友足迹遍青岛适合去做联合国亲善大使吧  [em07]
http://spaces.msn.com/members/clairefangyoung/ 我的盒子~


http://spaces.msn.com/members/clairefangyoung/ 我的盒子~



http://spaces.msn.com/members/clairefangyoung/ 我的盒子~


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