ivylee 2006-8-31 21:47
<p>去年这个时候买的VAIO笔记本,用的一直挺好,就是耳机接口总是接触不好。送去维修站说是要换主板。虽然在保修期之内不用掏钱,但是万一给我换了块旧的主板咋办。。。总觉得肯定不如原装的。。。以后要是再出问题了就真哭了。。。又不在国内。。。TNND。。。 </p>[em16]
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无印良品 2006-8-31 23:45
<p>Sorry i am in FTC so no Chinese input.</p><p></p><p>1 I have a friend just burnt the mother board of his IBM-Lenove T60. </p><p>2 Be careful lots of laptop fired itself in these days. So find the fire exit before use your laptop. </p><p>3 If they change a mother board for you don't forget to ask a new whole year warranty for the new motherboard. My Samsung laptop gave me this. </p>